How to display ClickOnce Version number on Windows Forms

dance2die picture dance2die · Jul 8, 2009 · Viewed 34.4k times · Source

I have a windows forms application that is deployed to two different locations.

  • Intranet - ClickOnce
  • Internet - Installed on a citrix farm through Windows installer

I display ClickOnce version number for click-once deployed versionApplicationDeployment.IsNetworkDeployed.

if (ApplicationDeployment.IsNetworkDeployed)
        return ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment.CurrentVersion;

But for the non-click application, I am not sure how to retrieve clickonce version unless I hardcode the version number in assembly info.

Is there an automatic way of retrieve ClickOnce version number for non-clickonce deployed version?


cpg picture cpg · May 24, 2012
  1. Add an assembly reference to System.Deployment to your project.

  2. Import the namespace in your class file:


    Imports System.Deployment.Application


    using System.Deployment.Application;
  3. Retrieve the ClickOnce version from the CurrentVersion property.

    You can obtain the current version from the ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment.CurrentVersion property. This returns a System.Version object.

    Note (from MSDN):

    CurrentVersion will differ from UpdatedVersion if a new update has been installed but you have not yet called Restart. If the deployment manifest is configured to perform automatic updates, you can compare these two values to determine if you should restart the application.

    NOTE: The CurrentDeployment static property is only valid when the application has been deployed with ClickOnce. Therefore before you access this property, you should check the ApplicationDeployment.IsNetworkDeployed property first. It will always return a false in the debug environment.


    Dim myVersion as Version
    If ApplicationDeployment.IsNetworkDeployed Then
       myVersion = ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment.CurrentVersion
    End If


    Version myVersion;
    if (ApplicationDeployment.IsNetworkDeployed)
       myVersion = ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment.CurrentVersion;
  4. Use the Version object:

    From here on you can use the version information in a label, say on an "About" form, in this way:


    versionLabel.Text = String.Concat("ClickOnce published Version: v", myVersion)


    versionLabel.Text = string.Concat("ClickOnce published Version: v", myVersion);

    (Version objects are formatted as a four-part number (