Why is registry written in different location than expected?

nawfal picture nawfal · Jun 8, 2012 · Viewed 9.4k times · Source

I tried to write a registry subkey and its corresponding value to registry like this:

const string subKey = @"SOFTWARE\Apple\Banana\";
const string regKey = "pip";

var rk = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(subKey);
if (rk == null)
    rk = Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey(subKey);

var rv = rk.GetValue(regKey);
if (rv == null)
    rk.SetValue(regKey, "XXX");

return rv.ToString();

Now the problem is that I when I look in the location manually (via regedit) I cannot see the folder SOFTWARE\Apple\Banana in HKLM.

But when I run the above code again and debug, I can see that both Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(subKey) and rk.GetValue(regKey) yields the before saved values. Yet I do not see the values in the given location via regedit. So on searching the registry, I can see the above keys and values in following locations:

  1. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\VirtualStore\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apple\Banana

  2. HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-44266131-1313801407-2392705078-1000\Software\Classes\VirtualStore\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apple\Banana

Under both which the values remain exactly as I saved. So I realise this is from where my app reads the value though in my code I call it from HKLM\SOFTWARE\Apple\Banana\..

  1. Why is this happening? Is it related to access rights issue?

  2. Is this expected behaviour? In the sense, this value is very important to me, so I am just knowing if there is some risk associated with auto-relocation!

  3. Is there a proper way of writing to registry so that it remains in its exact location..

My account is administrator one, and I am using 32 bit windows 7.

Edit: As I came to know, the registry entry is stored in current users location rather than HKLM. And when I query for the reg value from a different account, I do not get the value. In short, no point in first of all saving it to HKLM :(


Preet Sangha picture Preet Sangha · Jun 8, 2012
  1. This is Registry Virtualization (msdn)

    Registry virtualization is an application compatibility technology that enables registry write operations that have global impact to be redirected to per-user locations. This redirection is transparent to applications reading from or writing to the registry. It is supported starting with Windows Vista.

    Virtualization Overview

    Prior to Windows Vista, applications were typically run by administrators. As a result, applications could freely access system files and registry keys. If these applications were run by a standard user, they would fail due to insufficient access rights. Windows Vista and later versions of Windows improve application compatibility for these applications by automatically redirecting these operations. For example, registry operations to the global store (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software) are redirected to a per-user location within the user's profile known as the virtual store (HKEY_USERS\_Classes\VirtualStore\Machine\Software).

  2. Yes it is exactly as it should be.

  3. Either live with Virtualization if you want to write to globally impacting location, or use more localised locations if you don't want it. Either way it's invisible to the reader, so don't worry about it.