I have a action method that is following:
public ActionResult CreateNKITemplate(int id)
var goalcard = createNKIRep.GetGoalCardByID(id);
return View();
This action method will create a new GoalCard object inside my GoalCard Entity which means it will basicly generate an ID.
Inside CreateTemplate action method I want to remove return View();
and add return RedirectToAction
so it redirects to the new GoalCard object id that was created
I want to redirect the new GoalCard object ID to:
public ActionResult Edit(int id)
// code..
How can I do this?
Basicly: Copy and create a new Object and then redirect the new object id to this edit action method that takes Id as parameter.
Accepted Answer solution:
public ActionResult CreateNKITemplate(int id)
var goalcard = createNKIRep.GetGoalCardByID(id);
var copygoalcard = createNKIRep.CreateTemplate(goalcard);
var GoalCardCopyID = copygoalcard.Id;
return RedirectToAction(
"Edit", // Action name
"CreateNKI", // Controller name
new { id = GoalCardCopyID }); // Route values
Thanks in advance!
Well, the definition for RedirectToAction
protected internal RedirectToRouteResult RedirectToAction(
string actionName,
string controllerName,
Object routeValues
So we just fill in your values.
"Edit", // Action name
"GoalCardController", // Controller name
new { id = gcId } // Route values
Note that the above code assumes that your controller is called GoalCardController
and that the id is stored in a variable called gcId