Is a Dataset the same as a Recordset

Pomster picture Pomster · May 4, 2012 · Viewed 14.1k times · Source

I used to work in and used Dataset's all the time when working with ADO, but now i'm Working in C# and the Research is showing me a lot of Recordsets.

Are they the same thing?

If no what is the difference?


RhysW picture RhysW · May 4, 2012

Datasets vs RecordSets

Essentially it is to do with how it fetches the data and allows you to intereact with it, recordsets would typically only allow you to fetch data from one table at a time (with default settings) whereas datasets can retrieve the entire set of data. there is more information at that link

Dataset is a connectionless data holder whereas RecordSet is connection oriented Data holder.Though DataSet you can refer more than 1 table at a time, but in the case of Recordset only 1 table is processed at a time. Through Dataset you can process more than 1 record,but in case of recordset recordset you have to make travesel to each record and after that you can make processing.

a direct quote backing up what i said