I been looking for a good solution all day but google evolve so fast that I can't find something working. What I want to do is that, I have a Web app that has an admin section where user need to be logged in to see the information. In this section I want to show some data from GA, like pageviews for some specific urls. Since it's not the user information that I'm showing but the google analytics'user I want to connect passing information (username/password or APIKey) but I can't find out how. All the sample I found use OAuth2 (witch, if I understand, will ask the visitor to log in using google).
What I found so far :
Maybe I'm just tired and that tomorrow it will be easy to find a solution but right now I need help!
It requires a bit of setup on the google side but it's actually quite simple. I will list step by step.
First you will need to create an application in the Google cloud console and enable the Analytics API.
Now that the Analytics API is enabled the next step will be to enable a service account to access your desired analytics profiles/sites. The service account will allow you to log in without having to prompt a user for credentials.
Now that we have a service account you will need to allow this service account to access to your profiles/sites in Google Analytics.
Now that the setup is done for the service account to access Google Analytics through the API we can start to code.
Get this package from NuGet:
Google.Apis.Analytics.v3 Client Library
Add these usings:
using Google.Apis.Analytics.v3;
using Google.Apis.Analytics.v3.Data;
using Google.Apis.Services;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
Some things to note are.
is the path to the key file you downloaded with a .p12 file extention. accountEmailAddress
is the api email we got earlier.Google.Apis.Analytics.v3.AnalyticService
class that dictates the url to use in order to authorize (ex: AnalyticsService.Scope.AnalyticsReadonly
).Then the code to do some basic calls is as follows.
public class GoogleAnalyticsAPI
public AnalyticsService Service { get; set; }
public GoogleAnalyticsAPI(string keyPath, string accountEmailAddress)
var certificate = new X509Certificate2(keyPath, "notasecret", X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable);
var credentials = new ServiceAccountCredential(
new ServiceAccountCredential.Initializer(accountEmailAddress)
Scopes = new[] { AnalyticsService.Scope.AnalyticsReadonly }
Service = new AnalyticsService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
HttpClientInitializer = credentials,
ApplicationName = "WorthlessVariable"
public AnalyticDataPoint GetAnalyticsData(string profileId, string[] dimensions, string[] metrics, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
AnalyticDataPoint data = new AnalyticDataPoint();
if (!profileId.Contains("ga:"))
profileId = string.Format("ga:{0}", profileId);
//Make initial call to service.
//Then check if a next link exists in the response,
//if so parse and call again using start index param.
GaData response = null;
int startIndex = 1;
if (response != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(response.NextLink))
Uri uri = new Uri(response.NextLink);
var paramerters = uri.Query.Split('&');
string s = paramerters.First(i => i.Contains("start-index")).Split('=')[1];
startIndex = int.Parse(s);
var request = BuildAnalyticRequest(profileId, dimensions, metrics, startDate, endDate, startIndex);
response = request.Execute();
data.ColumnHeaders = response.ColumnHeaders;
} while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response.NextLink));
return data;
private DataResource.GaResource.GetRequest BuildAnalyticRequest(string profileId, string[] dimensions, string[] metrics,
DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, int startIndex)
DataResource.GaResource.GetRequest request = Service.Data.Ga.Get(profileId, startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
endDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), string.Join(",", metrics));
request.Dimensions = string.Join(",", dimensions);
request.StartIndex = startIndex;
return request;
public IList<Profile> GetAvailableProfiles()
var response = Service.Management.Profiles.List("~all", "~all").Execute();
return response.Items;
public class AnalyticDataPoint
public AnalyticDataPoint()
Rows = new List<IList<string>>();
public IList<GaData.ColumnHeadersData> ColumnHeaders { get; set; }
public List<IList<string>> Rows { get; set; }
Other Links that will prove helpful:
Analytic API Explorer - Query API From The Web
Analytic API Explorer version 2 - Query API From The Web
Dimensions and Metrics Reference
Hopefully this helps someone trying to do this in the future.