I am writing a class library assembly in C# .NET 3.5 which is used for integration with other applications including third-party Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) tools. Therefore, sometimes this class library will be called by applications (EXEs) that I control while other times it will be called by other DLLs or applications that I do not control.
Any solution must:
When my stand-alone class library is called by a DLL or application that I do not control (such as a third-party COTS tool) and which doesn't specify log4net configuration information, my class library is unable to do any of it's logging.
How do you configure and enable log4net for a stand-alone class library assembly so that it will log regardless if the calling application provides log4net configuration?
You can probably code something around the XmlConfigurator class:
public static class MyLogManager
// for illustration, you should configure this somewhere else...
private static string configFile = @"path\to\log4net.config";
public static ILog GetLogger(Type type)
if(log4net.LogManager.GetCurrentLoggers().Length == 0)
// load logger config with XmlConfigurator
return LogManager.GetLogger(type);
Then in your classes, instead of:
private static readonly ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(MyApp));
private static readonly ILog log = MyLogManager.GetLogger(typeof(MyApp));
Of course, it would be preferable to make this class a service and dynamically configure it with the IoC container of your choice, but you get the idea?
EDIT: Fixed Count() problem pointed out in comments.