Protobuf-net serialization/deserialization

Matthias Wolf picture Matthias Wolf · Apr 14, 2012 · Viewed 34.8k times · Source

I checked but seem to be unable to see how to directly serialize a class to a byte array and subsequently deserialize from a byte array using Marc Gravell's protobuf-net implementation.

Edit: I changed the question and provided code because the original question of how to serialize into byte[] without having to go through stream was admittedly trivial. My apologies.

Updated Question: Is there any way to not have to deal with generics and instead infer the type of the property "MessageBody" through reflection when it is passed through the constructor? I assume I cannot serialize object type, correct? The current solution looks very cumbersome in that I need to pass in the type of the MessageBody each time I instantiate a new Message. Is there a sleeker solution to this?

I came up with the following:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Message<string> msg = new Message<string>("Producer", "Consumer", "Test Message");

        byte[] byteArray = msg.Serialize();
        Message<string> message = Message<string>.Deserialize(byteArray);




public class Message<T>
    public string From { get; private set; }
    public string To { get; private set; }
    public T MessageBody { get; private set; }

    public Message()


    public Message(string from, string to, T messageBody)
        this.From = from;
        this.To = to;
        this.MessageBody = messageBody;

    public byte[] Serialize()
        byte[] msgOut;

        using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
            Serializer.Serialize(stream, this);
            msgOut = stream.GetBuffer();

        return msgOut;

    public static Message<T> Deserialize(byte[] message)
        Message<T> msgOut;

        using (var stream = new MemoryStream(message))
            msgOut = Serializer.Deserialize<Message<T>>(stream);

        return msgOut;

What I like to get to is something such as:

Message newMsg = new Message("Producer", "Consumer", Foo); byte[] byteArray = newMsg.Serialize();

and Message msg = Message.Deserialize(byteArray);

(where Deserialize is a static method and it always deserializes into an object of type Message and only needs to know what type to deserialize the message body into).


Marc Gravell picture Marc Gravell · Apr 14, 2012

there's a few different questions here, so I'll answer what I can see: if I've missed anything just let me know.

Firstly, as noted, a MemoryStream is the most common way of getting to a byte[]. This is consistent with most serializers - for example, XmlSerializer, BinaryFormatter and DataContractSerializer also don't have an "as a byte[] overload", but will accept MemoryStream.

Generics: you don't need to use generics; v1 has Serializer.NonGeneric, which wraps this away from you. In v2, the "core" is non-generic, and can be accessed via RuntimeTypeModel.Default; of course Serializer and Serializer.NonGeneric continue to work.

For the issue of having to include the type: yes, the protobuf spec assumes the receiver knows what type of data they are being given. A simple option here is to use a simple wrapper object as the "root" object, with multiple typed properties for the data (only one of which is non-null). Another option might spring from the inbuilt inheritance support via ProtoInclude (note: as an implementation detail, these two approaches are identical).

In your specific example, perhaps consider:

[ProtoInclude(1, typeof(Message<Foo>))]
.... More as needed
[ProtoInclude(8, typeof(Message<Bar>))]
public abstract class Message
{   }
public class Message<T> : Message

Then just serialize with <Message> - the API will create the right type automatically.

With recent builds, there is also a DynamicType option that includes type data for you, for example:

public class MyRoot {
    [ProtoMember(1, DynamicType=true)]
    public object Value { get; set; }

This will work for any Value that holds a contract-type instance (but not for primitives, and ideally not involving inheritance).