I need to perform a check on all drives and see if any of the VIDs/PID match a specific one, if it does I need to get the drive letter of that flash drive. Thanks to all!
WMI should be able to handle this...
You will have to add a Reference to the System.Management dll and you will need to have the: "using System.Management;" line... See Link At Bottom for Screenshots, more thorough explanation...
using System.Management;
// Get all the disk drives
ManagementObjectSearcher mosDisks = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_DiskDrive");
// Loop through each object (disk) retrieved by WMI
foreach (ManagementObject moDisk in mosDisks.Get())
// Add the HDD to the list (use the Model field as the item's caption)
private void cmbHdd_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Get all the disk drives from WMI that match the Model name selected in the ComboBox
ManagementObjectSearcher mosDisks = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_DiskDrive WHERE Model = '" + cmbHdd.SelectedItem + "'");
// Loop through the drives retrieved, although it should normally be only one loop going on here
foreach (ManagementObject moDisk in mosDisks.Get())
// Set all the fields to the appropriate values
lblType.Text = "Type: " + moDisk["MediaType"].ToString();
lblModel.Text = "Model: " + moDisk["Model"].ToString();
lblSerial.Text = "Serial: " + moDisk["SerialNumber"].ToString();
lblInterface.Text = "Interface: " + moDisk["InterfaceType"].ToString();
// The capacity in gigabytes is easily calculated
lblCapacity.Text = "Capacity: " + moDisk["Size"].ToString() + " bytes (" + Math.Round(((((double)Convert.ToDouble(moDisk["Size"]) / 1024) / 1024) / 1024), 2) + " GB)";
lblPartitions.Text = "Partitions: " + moDisk["Partitions"].ToString();
lblSignature.Text = "Signature: " + moDisk["Signature"].ToString();
lblFirmware.Text = "Firmware: " + moDisk["FirmwareRevision"].ToString();
lblCylinders.Text = "Cylinders: " + moDisk["TotalCylinders"].ToString();
lblSectors.Text = "Sectors: " + moDisk["TotalSectors"].ToString();
lblHeads.Text = "Heads: " + moDisk["TotalHeads"].ToString();
lblTracks.Text = "Tracks: " + moDisk["TotalTracks"].ToString();
lblBytesPerSect.Text = "Bytes per Sector: " + moDisk["BytesPerSector"].ToString();
lblSectorsPerTrack.Text = "Sectors per Track: " + moDisk["SectorsPerTrack"].ToString();
lblTracksPerCyl.Text = "Tracks per Cylinder: " + moDisk["TracksPerCylinder"].ToString();
From MSDN the win32 Class for CIM_DiskDrive has the following parameters:
*It looks as if "DeviceID" is what you want...
class Win32_DiskDrive : CIM_DiskDrive
uint16 Availability;
uint32 BytesPerSector;
uint16 Capabilities[];
string CapabilityDescriptions[];
string Caption;
string CompressionMethod;
uint32 ConfigManagerErrorCode;
boolean ConfigManagerUserConfig;
string CreationClassName;
uint64 DefaultBlockSize;
string Description;
string DeviceID;
boolean ErrorCleared;
string ErrorDescription;
string ErrorMethodology;
string FirmwareRevision;
uint32 Index;
datetime InstallDate;
string InterfaceType;
uint32 LastErrorCode;
string Manufacturer;
uint64 MaxBlockSize;
uint64 MaxMediaSize;
boolean MediaLoaded;
string MediaType;
uint64 MinBlockSize;
string Model;
string Name;
boolean NeedsCleaning;
uint32 NumberOfMediaSupported;
uint32 Partitions;
string PNPDeviceID;
uint16 PowerManagementCapabilities[];
boolean PowerManagementSupported;
uint32 SCSIBus;
uint16 SCSILogicalUnit;
uint16 SCSIPort;
uint16 SCSITargetId;
uint32 SectorsPerTrack;
string SerialNumber;
uint32 Signature;
uint64 Size;
string Status;
uint16 StatusInfo;
string SystemCreationClassName;
string SystemName;
uint64 TotalCylinders;
uint32 TotalHeads;
uint64 TotalSectors;
uint64 TotalTracks;
uint32 TracksPerCylinder;
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