I need change attribute's parameter during runtime. I simplified my problem to simple example.
Attribute class:
public class MyAttribute : Attribute
public string Name { get; set; }
Simple entity which has decorated properties with attributes:
public class MyEntity
public string Data1{ get; set; }
[MyAttribute(Name = "OldValue2")]
public string Data2 { get; set; }
I created instance of class MyEntity. I can change value of object's properties, but I can't change value of attribute’s property Name on object entity. Is it possible?
Value of property on object entity I can change with this part of code:
but I don't how change value of attribute's property Name on object entity
This does not work:
Value of property Name is still original.
Here is all test code.
public void Test()
var entity = new MyEntity
Data1 = "OldData",
Data2 = "OldData"
PropertyInfo[] entityProps = entity.GetType().GetProperties();
foreach (var entityProp in entityProps)
var attribute = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(entityProp, typeof (MyAttribute)) as MyAttribute;
if (attribute != null)
//get attribute's property NAME
PropertyInfo attProp= attribute.GetType().GetProperty("Name");
//get entity property value
var propertyValue = entityProp.GetValue(entity, null);
//get attribute’s property NAME value
var atributeNameValue = attProp.GetValue(entity, null);
TestContext.WriteLine(string.Format("property name:{0} property value: {1} : atribute name value: {2}\n",
entityProp.Name, propertyValue, atributeNameValue));
//change values
//how can I change value of property Name on object entity ?
TestContext.WriteLine(string.Format("After change\n"));
foreach (var entityProp in entityProps)
var attribute = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(entityProp, typeof(MyAttribute)) as MyAttribute;
if (attribute != null)
PropertyInfo attProp = attribute.GetType().GetProperty("Name");
var propertyValue = entityProp.GetValue(entity, null);
var atributeNameValue = attProp.GetValue(entity, null);
TestContext.WriteLine(string.Format("property name:{0} property value: {1} : atribute name value: {2}\n",
entityProp.Name, propertyValue, atributeNameValue));
EDITED: I delete original post and added very simple clear sample. Sorry
You cannot change attributes at runtime. They are embedded into the metadata of the assembly. Your method is changing the internal state of a particular instance; but when you load the attribute again, you are getting a different instance.