Add Header/Title to telerik Radgrid?

user1208862 picture user1208862 · Mar 30, 2012 · Viewed 13.4k times · Source

I have recently started working with telerik controls. I need to add a header above the radGrid like

Title: ABC Name: XYZ
Column1 Column2 Clolumn3 Column4
abc        def         ghi         klm

Should I call any event or is there any other approach to do this? I would be exporting this grid, so I would want these details to be exported to excel but not visible in the UI.


Jayesh Goyani picture Jayesh Goyani · Mar 31, 2012

to set the title in your grid you have to set only one property in your grid.

RadGrid1.MasterTableView.Caption = "Title: ABC Name: XYZ";