Top "Byte" questions

A unit of information usually corresponding to 8 bits.

golang: convert uint32 (or any built-in type) to []byte (to be written in a file)

I'm trying to convert an uint32 to a byte array (4 bytes) in Go using the unsafe library: h := (uint32)(((fh.…

arrays go byte unsafe
How can I convert List<byte> to byte[] in C#?

Can I convert via a for loop? Is there any better method to do it? for (int i = 0; i < …

c# list c#-2.0 byte
Error (HttpWebRequest): Bytes to be written to the stream exceed the Content-Length bytes size specified

I can't seem to figure out why I keep getting the following error: Bytes to be written to the stream …

c# winforms httpwebrequest byte httpwebresponse
How is an ICMP packet constructed in python

For the sake of learning I am currently trying to create a simple python porgram to send a ICMP ping …

python networking byte icmp
Are there any real life uses for the Java byte primitive type?

For some inexplicable reason the byte primitive type is signed in Java. This mean that valid values are -128..127 instead …

java types byte
Swapping 2 Bytes of Integer

I have a method that receives 3 parameters: int x, int n, and int m. It returns an int with the …

c byte swap byte-shifting
what is relation between content-length and byte ranges in HTTP/1.1?

I am not grasping the idea behind content-length and byte ranges as specified by HTTP 1.1 Is there are connection between …

http byte content-length
How do you read in a 3 byte size value as an integer in c++?

I'm reading in an id3 tag where the size of each frame is specified in 3 bytes. How would I be …

c++ int byte id3
UTF-8: how many bytes are used by languages to represent a visible character?

Does there exist a table or something similar which shows how many bytes different languages need on average to represent …

unicode utf-8 character byte glyph
How can I get the single bytes from a multibyte PHP string variable in a binary-safe way?

Let's say (for simplicity's sake) that I have a multibyte, UTF-8 encoded string variable with 3 letters (consisting of 4 bytes): $original = …

php utf-8 byte bytearray multibyte