I'm trying to use Angular2 syntax to create radio buttons from an enum definition, and bind the value to a property that has the type of that enum.
My html contains:
<div class="from_elem">
<div *ngFor="let choice of motifChoices">
<input type="radio" name="motif" [(ngModel)]="choice.value"/>{{choice.motif}}<br>
In my @Component, I declared the set of choices and values:
private motifChoices: any[] = [];
And in the constructor of my @Component, I filled the choices the following way:
constructor( private interService: InterventionService )
this.motifChoices =
Object.keys(MotifIntervention).filter( key => isNaN( Number( key )))
.map( key => { return { motif: key, value: false } });
The radio buttons are displayed correctly, now I seek to bind the value selected to a property. But when I click one of the buttons the value choice.value is set to undefined.
Ok finally I found out the solution. I am currenly using Angular 2 RC5.
The enum value I want to bind my radio is the property:
intervention.rapport.motifIntervention : MotifInterventions
In my @Component I declared private members to give access to enum definition in the html template:
export class InterventionDetails
private MotifIntervention = MotifIntervention;
private MotifInterventionValues = Object.values(MotifIntervention).filter( e => typeof( e ) == "number" );
// model object:
private intervention: Intervention;
Here is HTML code for the radio buttons:
<div *ngFor="let choice of MotifInterventionValues">
<input type="radio"
[value]="choice" />
is two-way
binding, it is required to update the property in the model (in my
case intervention.rapport.motifIntervention
required to update the radio buttons component if the value
intervention.rapport.motifIntervention is modified externally.
is the value that is assigned to my property when
the radio button is selected.
is the label of the radio button