Top "Butterknife" questions

An annotation-based Android view "injection" framework aimed at reducing boilerplate.

Butterknife is unable to bind inside my Adapter Class

I have an Adapter that draws the layouts for my Navigation Drawer. My navigation drawer contains two inner xml files: …

android butterknife
RecyclerView.ViewHolder unable to bind view with ButterKnife

I'm using ButterKnife to bind my views on my ViewHolder. My code is below: public class MyAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter&…

android android-layout data-binding android-adapter butterknife
Bind ButterKnife to Dialog fails

I try to bind ButterKnife to a AleterDialog that i made with a DialogBuilder method And exist this method ButterKnife.…

android butterknife
Butterknife Fragment Injecting Views Not Working?

Can anyone explain why my View element (ListView) is null with the following code: public class NewsFragment extends Fragment { @InjectView(…

android android-listview butterknife
@OnClick is not working in implementation of ButterKnife Library

@OnClick is not working in implementation of ButterKnife Library When I click on the Button, nothing is happening. This is …

android butterknife
Butter Knife return null pointer

I want to using Butter Knife in my project.I did everything according to the Butter Knife tutorial. But when …

android butterknife
Why do I have problems whith 'com.jakewharton:butterknife:7.0.1' in Android Studio 3.0?

I have the following problem when I run the 'app' (Android studio emulator): Error:Execution failed for task ':app:…

java android butterknife
Why is butterknife 9.0.0-SNAPSHOT not resolving?

I want using AndroidX library and below is my Gradle setup for Butterknife app:module Dependency implementation 'com.jakewharton:butterknife:9.0.0…

android androidx butterknife
Duplicate files while including butterknife with gradle

I have a basic Android app that I created with Android Studio, and I'm having problems adding butterknife to my …

android gradle android-gradle-plugin butterknife
Kotlin Android View Binding: findViewById vs Butterknife vs Kotlin Android Extension

I'm trying to figure out the best way to do Android View Binding in Kotlin. It seems like there are …

android kotlin findviewbyid butterknife kotlin-android-extensions