Top "Build.gradle" questions

The file build.

DexIndexOverflowException issue after updating to latest appcompat and support library

I'm using the below settings through gradle: compileSdkVersion 21 ANDROID_BUILD_MIN_SDK_VERSION=14 ANDROID_BUILD_TARGET_SDK_VERSION=21 ANDROID_BUILD_…

android gradle android-5.0-lollipop android-support-library build.gradle
How to import android project as library and NOT compile it as apk (Android studio 1.0)

I tried to import a project(projLib) as dependency for another project(projAPK). projAPK gradle has this : dependencies { compile project(…

java android gradle android-studio build.gradle
"minifyEnabled" vs "shrinkResources" - what's the difference? and how to get the saved space?

Background According to the "Resource Shrinking" webpage of Andriod documentations (here), you can minimize the app's size via the build.…

android build.gradle
Android Studio 2.2 Stuck at Building Gradle Project Info on importing existing project

I am using Android studio 2.2 on windows 10. I am trying to import an existing android project. The problem that it …

android android-studio android-gradle-plugin build.gradle android-studio-2.2
Out of memory issue after updating buildToolsVersion '23.0.1' in Android studio

I am getting out of memory issue very often after updating buildToolsVersion '22.0.1' to buildToolsVersion '23.0.1' I am …

android android-studio build.gradle android-build build-tools
How to download javadocs and sources for jar using Gradle 2.0?

I am using Gradle 2.0. What should I write in build.gradle so that the javadocs and sources are also downloaded …

gradle build.gradle
React Native Generating Signed APK "KeyStore file not set for signing config release"

I am trying to generate a signed APK. I have my password.keystore file located in \Dictionary\android\app and …

gradle react-native android-gradle-plugin build.gradle gradlew
Gradle version 2.10 is required. Current version is 2.8 Error

Following things are using in the project- The android studio version - 2.0 Preview 4. ANDROID_BUILD_MIN_SDK_VERSION=9 ANDROID_BUILD_…

android android-studio build.gradle android-studio-2.0