How to change urlbase setting in Bugzilla config file manually?

cookwhy picture cookwhy · Feb 3, 2012 · Viewed 9.2k times · Source

My Bugzilla meets a strange problem. I used my IP as my Bugzilla urlbase setting. So I can login into my Bugzilla by following style address:

But right now the IP of the machine has been changed, but Bugzilla will still jump to the old address once I login.

Because it is using old address to let me login, so I can't login into administrator page to change the urlbase to new IP.

My question is: where does Bugzilla save the urlbase string? I want to change it manually, so I can relogin my Bugzilla again.


Water Lin


cookwhy picture cookwhy · Feb 6, 2012

Just change the following line in the file data/params in the Bugzilla install folder:

'urlbase' => '',