Elinks or Lynx?

Léo Léopold Hertz 준영 picture Léo Léopold Hertz 준영 · Mar 3, 2009 · Viewed 48.7k times · Source

Please, state your reasons for your terminal browser. Why are you using Lynx or Elinks? How do they help you in programming?


Nick Presta picture Nick Presta · Mar 3, 2009

If you're asking which I prefer for a more complete browsing experience, I prefer Elinks. It has tabbed browsing, download/password managing, and tabbed navigation (handy when in a terminal). It also (partially) supports CSS 2.1, (fully) supports frames. It also (partially) supports JavaScript. Not as important, but Elinks supports more protocols than Lynx (I specifically use the Bittorrent protocol).

If you're asking which is more suitable for testing text-only browsers, Lynx is probably more popular, but Elinks is still a great choice here as well.

For comparision look here.