Top "Browser-cache" questions

Browser caches are an instance of the optimization mechanism known as a cache.

How to deal with browser cache while using browserSync?

I'm using gulp with browserSync with next config(simplified): gulp.task('serve', ['compile_styles'], function() { browserSync.init({ proxy: '' }); …

gulp browser-cache browser-sync
Is it possible to cache an entire HTML5 video using the Service Worker API for offline use?

I have an offline app that caches all static resources. Currently, only the first 15 seconds of video assets are cached. …

javascript html browser-cache service-worker
How to Remotely force a client to purge a cached website?

We are experiencing an issue where a previous version of our home page is being displayed. Even though there has …

nginx browser-cache varnish
How does browser work with expiration headers, cache-control headers, last-modified-header?

I am a web developer, have worked with PHP and .NET both. having over a year of experience working on …

browser-cache http-caching
How does SO's form remember previous input values?

I've noticed that the Title or Body part is remembered if I come back to the Ask Question page by …

html forms webbrowser-control browser-cache
Why to use service worker for caching when browser cache handles the caching?

I read that using a service worker for offline caching is similar to browser caching. If so, then why would …

browser-cache offline-caching service-worker
Rails ( set_no_cache method) Cannot disable browser caching in Safari and Opera

After using Devise for my authentication, I found that there was a security hole in that, after the user logs …

ruby-on-rails ruby safari opera browser-cache