Top "Broadcast" questions

A broadcast is a one-to-many message passing interface.

Turn on screen on device

How can I turn the sceen on ? I tried something like this adb -d shell am broadcast -a android.intent.…

android android-intent screen broadcast
AngularJS $broadcast with multiple parameters

Can I have a $broadcast $on with multiple parameters, something like: $scope.$broadcast('event',$scope.item, $scope.item); Is it …

angularjs events broadcast
Permission Denial: not allowed to send broadcast android.intent.action.AIRPLANE_MODE

I am trying to programmatically set the aeroplane mode on. Settings.System.putInt(context.getContentResolver(), Settings.Global.AIRPLANE_MODE_ON, 1); …

android broadcast securityexception
What is the maximum size for a broadcast object in Spark?

When using Dataframe broadcast function or the SparkContext broadcast functions, what is the maximum object size that can be dispatched …

apache-spark dataframe apache-spark-sql broadcast
How can I update a broadcast variable in spark streaming?

I have, I believe, a relatively common use case for spark streaming: I have a stream of objects that I …

java scala apache-spark spark-streaming broadcast
How are custom broadcast events implemented in JavaScript (or jQuery)?

I want to implement a custom event that can be "broadcast", rather than sent to specific targets. Only those elements …

javascript jquery events dom-events broadcast
boost::asio UDP broadcasting

I want to broadcast UDP messages to all computers in a local network using boost::asio. Working through the examples …

c++ boost udp boost-asio broadcast
How to use getApplicationContext in BroadcastReceiver class?

I am using the broadcaster class to listen to sms messages using this code package com.escortme.basic; import android.…

android broadcast
How can I send a notification message from server to all clients in WCF (broadcast you can say)?

I want to send notification message every second from net tcp WCF service to all clients, Broadcast you can say? …

wcf notifications broadcast wcf-callbacks
Broadcast receiver highest priority not working

I'm doing an application using ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON handler, but it appears it is always intercepted by MX Player or …

android android-intent broadcast headset