Top "Break" questions

A break statement is a flow-control feature provided by most programming languages that allows for an early exit from a loop; once a break statement is reached, its enclosing loop is immediately exited.

How do I get GDB to break out of a loop?

I can tell GDB to return from a function immediately with return, and call a function with call myFunction. But …

c gdb goto break
How we can add a new line in c#

How we can write output on second line in c# ?? How we can write the given code into two lines …

c# line break endl
ForEach() : Why can't use break/continue inside

Since ForEach() method loop through all a list members, Why cant use a break/continue clause while i can use …

c# foreach break continue
Jumping from one case to the default case in switch statement

switch(ch){ case 'a': //do something, condition does not match so go to default case //don't break in here, and …

c switch-statement break
BREAK statement in PL/pgSQL

How to have the break statement in PostgreSQL? I have the structure like this: for() { for() { if(somecondition) break; } } As …

postgresql loops plpgsql break
How to properly break out of a promise chain?

Based on the question here: jQuery chaining and cascading then's and when's and the accepted answer, I want to break …

jquery promise break chain
How do I break from the main/outer loop in a double/nested loop?

If I have loop in a loop and once an if statement is satisfied I want to break main loop, …

java loops syntax for-loop break
Why does C# have break if it's not optional?

When I create a switch statement in VS2008 C# like this (contrived): switch (state) { case '1': state = '2'; …

c# switch-statement break
c++ continue versus break

Which statement will be executed after "continue" or "break" ? for(int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { // statement1 for(int j = 0; …

c++ break continue
How can I return something early from a block?

If I wanted to do something like this: collection.each do |i| return nil if i == 3 ..many lines of code …

ruby loops return break