Top "Brackets" questions

Brackets are tall punctuation marks used in matched pairs within text, to set apart or interject other text.

Why do Excel values in parentheses become negative values?

A colleague and I encountered a behavior in Excel which isn't clear to us. Background: We have a tool which …

excel brackets negative-number accounting
Disable Highlight Matched Parentheses in ViM : "let loaded_matchparen = 1" not working

How to disable auto highlighting of Matched Parentheses (cursor briefly jumping to the matched bracket, when a new bracket is …

vim brackets
Confusing Angle Brackets < something > in c++

I am coming from c to c++ and familiar with the syntax. But I just came across the code with …

c++ brackets
Python: List of sublists, write sublists without brackets

I have a List that is x values long. The list is broken up into different length sublists.I then …

python list csv brackets
replace square brackets java

I want to replace text in square brackets with "" in java: for example I have the sentence "Hello, [1] this is …

java replace brackets
difference between dot notation and bracket notation in javascript

I am trying to understand the difference between .Notation and [] notation. In my problem below when I use if (object[…

javascript syntax brackets
SQL where both conditions in brackets are true

SELECT * FROM TableName WHERE Column1 = 'X' AND Column2 = 'Y' AND (Column3 != 'D' AND Column4 != 'D') -- Want to apply this …

sql brackets multiple-conditions
int([x[, base]]). Square brackets in functions in Python documentation?

What is the meaning of the square brackets inside the round brackets of a function in the Python documentation? E.…

python function brackets