I'd appreciate it so much if someone could please tell me a good way to handle bundling bower components. I feel like I've tried everything... Although, I can't seem to find any gulp tasks that handle this already. Could it really not exist?
Let's say it doesn't exist. Worst case scenario is I have to specify the paths of each "dist" file from bower_components folder. (It is annoying that each component seems to have its own "dist" folder... nothing is standardized.)
So even if I do that, I've noticed some components like 'active-support' seem to have require('lodash')
and such in them. I think that if I just simply copy that file, it will break because the requires won't resolve.
What am I missing? How do I simply take all bower_components and bundle into a "common.js"... is there a way or is it a clusterfluck?
As pointed out by Alerty, the new Gulp policy seems to be: use bower directly and glob patterns (and hope that the packages maintainers have a proper "ignore" properties).
You can use main-bower-files or gulp-bower-src to get files from your bower components. They can also use "ignore" or "main" overrides in your own bower file.