Top "Boto3" questions

Boto 3 - The Amazon Web Services (AWS) SDK for Python

Downloading multiple S3 objects in parallel in Python

Is there a way to concurrently download S3 files using boto3 in Python3? I am aware of the aiobotocore library, …

python python-3.x amazon-s3 boto3 botocore
How to create AWS IAM role attaching managed policy only using Boto3

I am trying to use Boto3 to create a new instance role that will attach a managed policy only. I …

amazon-web-services boto3 amazon-iam roles policy
How to get the list of all AWS AMIs using boto3?

I want to list all the AWS AMI's (Amazon Machine Image) that I can see using the console and Boto 3. …

python amazon-web-services amazon-ec2 boto3 amazon-ami
Athena query fails with boto3 (S3 location invalid)

I'm trying to execute a query in Athena, but it fails. Code: client.start_query_execution(QueryString="CREATE DATABASE IF …

python amazon-s3 boto3 amazon-athena
Retrieving public dns of EC2 instance with BOTO3

I'm using ipython to get an understanding of Boto3 and interacting with EC2 instances. Here is the code I'm using …

python amazon-web-services dns boto3 aws-ec2
What is the Difference between file_upload() and put_object() when uploading files to S3 using boto3

I'm using boto3 and trying to upload files. It will be helpful if anyone will explain exact difference between file_…

python amazon-web-services amazon-s3 boto3
How do I use Boto3 to launch an EC2 instance with an IAM role?

I can not figure out how to launch an EC2 instance in Boto3 with a specified IAM role. Here is …

python amazon-web-services amazon-ec2 boto3 amazon-iam
Search specific file in AWS S3 bucket using python

I have AWS S3 access and the bucket has nearly 300 files inside the bucket. I need to download single file …

python amazon-s3 boto boto3 botocore
AWS Lambda function using Boto3 timeout

I have solved my own question, but am posting it anyway in the hope of saving someone else a few …

python amazon-web-services aws-lambda boto3
AWS Route 53 Listing CNAME Records using boto3

I want to list all the CNAME records in a certain hosted zone. Let's say I have over 400 records in …

amazon-web-services boto3 amazon-route53 cname