Top "Boto" questions

boto is an open-source Python Interface to Amazon Web Services

The role defined for the function cannot be assumed by Lambda

I'm getting the error "The role defined for the function cannot be assumed by Lambda" when I'm trying to create …

python amazon-web-services boto aws-sdk aws-lambda
boto.exception.S3ResponseError: S3ResponseError: 403 Forbidden

I'm trying to get django to upload static files to S3, but istead I'm getting a 403 forbidden error, and I'm …

django amazon-s3 boto django-storage
Why are no Amazon S3 authentication handlers ready?

I have my $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables set properly, and I run this …

amazon-s3 amazon-web-services boto
Using Amazon s3 boto library, how can I get the URL of a saved key?

I am saving a key to a bucket with: key = bucket.new_key(fileName) key.set_contents_from_string(base64.…

python amazon-s3 boto
Retrieve all items from DynamoDB using query?

I am trying to retrieve all items in a dynamodb table using a query. Below is my code: import boto.…

python boto amazon-dynamodb
Obtaining tags from AWS instances with boto

I'm trying to obtain tags from instances in my AWS account using Python's boto library. While this snippet works correctly …

python amazon-web-services boto instances
How to upload a file to Google Cloud Storage on Python 3?

How can I upload a file to Google Cloud Storage from Python 3? Eventually Python 2, if it's infeasible from Python 3. I've …

python python-3.x google-cloud-storage boto google-cloud-platform
Recommended way to manage credentials with multiple AWS accounts?

What is the best way to manage multiple Amazon Web Services (AWS) accounts through boto? I am familiar with BotoConfig …

python amazon-web-services boto
What is the difference between the AWS boto and boto3

I'm new to AWS using Python and I'm trying to learn the boto API however I noticed that there are …

python amazon-web-services boto boto3
How to get all messages in Amazon SQS queue using boto library in Python?

I'm working on an application whose workflow is managed by passing messages in SQS, using boto. My SQS queue is …

python boto amazon-sqs