Top "Border" questions

A border is a graphical user interface construct that is used to surround and/or highlight something that is contained within.

Borderbrush coloranimation fade in and out

i have a border , and i change it's borderbrush in the run time. now i need this border to be …

wpf animation border coloranimation
Remove UITabbar upper border line

I have been using UITabbar in an app. There is an upper border line coming in top of the UITabbar. …

ios border line uitabbar
Undecorated JDialog border

I have a question regarding the border around an undecorated JDialog using the Metal L&F. Look at this …

java swing border jdialog uimanager
Border is cutting off when using border-radius?

I have an image which has a 5px border around it and I wanted to round the corners of both …

html border overlap css
JTabbedPane - set default border around tabs..?

I am using a JTabbedPane in my application. I have added two tabs which are instances of a custom class "…

java swing border jtabbedpane
Blackberry - How to add border to BasicEditField?

I used BasicEditField in my Blackberry program,the BasicEditField doesnot display any border.So i want to customize the BasicEditField …

user-interface blackberry border
CSS: TD background color causing borders to disappear

I have a large HTML table that is created dynamically. The table has a standard structure, incl. colgroup, thead and …

css border background-color border-color
C# Winforms | Form-border thickness

Is there any documentation of how thick a border of a regular form is? The goal: I've created a userControl …

c# winforms size border formborderstyle
how to make a gradient border of UIView?

I want to make a gradient border of view like the following picture: but I don't know how do it …

ios border gradient
ggplot2 outside panel border when using facet

I would like to have a border around the outside of my faceted plot but not have the lines that …

r ggplot2 border facet-grid