Top "Bootstrap-typeahead" questions

Twitter Bootstrap's autocomplete feature

Bootstrap typeahead: show different text in box once selected

I am using bootstrap typeahead to search like this: $('.lookup').typeahead({ source: function (query, process) { return $.getJSON( 'json_autocomplete.…

jquery twitter-bootstrap typeahead.js typeahead bootstrap-typeahead
AngularJS: scrollable typeahead input field

My HTML <div class="form-group"> <label class='control-label col-md-4' for='id_paymentCurrency'>{{'PAYMENT_CURRENCY' | translate}}&…

css angularjs typeahead.js bootstrap-typeahead twitter-typeahead
Bootstrap Typeahead: Remove forced selection of first item

Hi I am using typeahead in twitter bootstrap. What I found here is that in autocomplete dropdown, it selects first …

twitter-bootstrap bootstrap-typeahead
Angular-bootstratp ui typeahead for no matching results

Hi I am using bootstrap ui typeahead in my angularjs site. This works great. Just wondering whether it is possible …

angularjs angular-ui-bootstrap bootstrap-typeahead
Integrate bootstrap 3 typeahead and tags input with objects as tags

I am having trouble integrating bootstrap 3 typeahead with tags input but with objects as tags. It works if I use …

twitter-bootstrap-3 bootstrap-typeahead bootstrap-tags-input
angular.js ui + bootstrap typeahead + asynchronous call

I'm using typeahead with the angular.js directive but my function to populate the autocomplete makes an asynchronous call and …

javascript ajax angularjs twitter-bootstrap bootstrap-typeahead
Unable to set focus on an input of Twitter Bootstrap's Typeahead

When I remove these attributes: data-source="<?=str_replace('"', '&quot;', json_encode($equipment, JSON_HEX_…

javascript jquery twitter-bootstrap focus bootstrap-typeahead
Bootstrap Typeahead with AJAX source: not returning array as expected

I am having a lot of trouble getting bootstraps typeahead to work properly with an AJAX source. If I alert …

javascript jquery ajax twitter-bootstrap bootstrap-typeahead
Twitter Bootstrap Typeahead - Add a "loading" class to the input when search begins

How do I change the class of a typeahead input when the ajax request is triggered, and remove the class …

jquery twitter-bootstrap bootstrap-typeahead
Bootstrap Typeahead not showing suggestion which have the valueKey starting with same value

I'm using typeahead v0.11.1 to show the result but it is not showing the result which have result starting with …

javascript jquery typeahead bootstrap-typeahead twitter-typeahead