Top "Bootstrap-select" questions

A custom select / multiselect for Bootstrap using button dropdown, designed to behave like regular Bootstrap selects.

DeselectAll doesn't work for Bootstrap-select

Here is example what i try, but didn't work. JsFiddle What i expect : on button click all options will be …

javascript jquery twitter-bootstrap bootstrap-select
Bootstrap-select plugin: how to avoid flickering

The Bootsrap-select plugin is amazing ( It provides an extremely easy way of creating gorgeous select …

javascript jquery twitter-bootstrap twitter-bootstrap-3 bootstrap-select
How do I hide a bootstrap-select?

I need to hide a select statement for part of an web application. At one point in the code I …

css bootstrap-select
Make bootstrap-select dropdown required

I have dropdown list in my form which used bootstrap-select to show the dropdown. I want to make if user …

javascript html bootstrap-select bootstrap-selectpicker
Bootstrap-select validation error placement

I am using the bootstrap-select plugin, and HTML5 validation to validate the <select>. When the form is submitted …

jquery html twitter-bootstrap validation bootstrap-select
bootstrap multiple select , How to select the whole group items after selected group

all! Is the bootstrap-select possible to select the group ? which is mean when I selecting a group , it could auto …

jquery html bootstrap-select optgroup
Bootstrap-Select Does not shows ticks next to selected options(Multiple)

I have an issue with selector where I am defining as: <select name='provs[]' id="prov" class="selectpicker" …

css twitter-bootstrap bootstrap-select
Bootstrap-select didnt show on page load

I'm trying to make a simple Bootstrap-select show up. But it doesn't show up. When looking on the debugger, I …

javascript twitter-bootstrap bootstrap-select