Top "Boost-program-options" questions


Boost program options iterate over variables_map

po::options_description desc("This are the options that are available"); desc.add_options()("help", "print help")( "deer", po::value&…

c++ boost c++11 boost-program-options
Boost program options - get all entries in section

According to documentation I can parse config files in style : [main section] string = hello world. [foo] message = Hi ! But I …

c++ boost-program-options
Short options only in boost::program_options

How would one go about specifying short options without their long counterparts in boost? (",w", po::value<int>(), "…

c++ command-line boost boost-program-options
Boost Custom Validator for Enum

I am trying to validate command line input to an Enum that I've defined, but get compiler errors. I have …

c++ boost validation boost-program-options
How to have an optional option value in boost program options?

I am using the Boost program option and I want to offer an option which has three ways: If not …

c++ boost boost-program-options
How to implement subcommands using Boost.Program_options?

I'd like to implement subcommands to my program. I also need the ability to have different argument options for different …

c++ boost-program-options
boost::program_options - how to handle multiple sections with the same name in INI file

In a config like below; is there a way to handle individual sections. I am looking for a way to …

c++ configuration-files ini boost-program-options
Print help for both normal and positional args with boost::program_options

When you use Boost library program_options it is very easy to print help for your program: boost::program_options::…

c++ boost command-line-arguments boost-program-options
How to accept empty value in boost::program_options

I'm using boost::program_options library to process command line params. I need to accept a file name via -r …

c++ boost boost-program-options
Handle complex options with Boost's program_options

I have a program that generates graphs using different multi-level models. Each multi-level model consists of a generation of a …

c++ boost parameters graph boost-program-options