Top "Boolean-logic" questions

An algebraic system developed by George Boole.

if (boolean == false) vs. if (!boolean)

Possible Duplicate: Is it bad to explicitly compare against boolean constants e.g. if (b == false) in Java? In this …

java boolean boolean-logic boolean-expression
Does Python support short-circuiting?

Does Python support short-circuiting in boolean expressions?

python boolean-logic short-circuiting
Element-wise logical OR in Pandas

I would like the element-wise logical OR operator. I know "or" itself is not what I am looking for. I …

python pandas boolean-logic logical-operators boolean-operations
What's the difference between the dual and the complement of a boolean expression?

Its the same thing right? Or is there a slight difference? I just wanna make sure I'm not misunderstanding anything.

boolean boolean-logic boolean-expression boolean-operations
False or None vs. None or False

In [20]: print None or False -------> print(None or False) False In [21]: print False or None -------> print(…

python boolean-logic
Difference between `not` and `!` in ruby

I recall reading somewhere that not and ! are evaluated differently, and I can't find it in the documentation. Are they …

ruby boolean-logic
combine multiple conditions in if-statement

How do you chain 4 conditions together when you want either ONE set or the OTHER set of 2 condiitions to be …

powershell if-statement boolean-logic
How do I compare string and boolean in Javascript?

I got the Json "false" from server. I respond as bool but it's Json so it's in browser type is …

javascript string comparison boolean-logic boolean