I have a service on another remote system which is on another physical network and its multicast packages don't get to my local system, thus I don't see its DNS-SD published services.
I there a way I can manually register it on my local machine so that applications which only show DNS-SD discovered services show it?
With Avahi temporary registrations can be created using avahi-publish
and persistent ones can be created by writing a static service file. See man 1 avahi-publish
for more on the former and man 5 avahi.service
for more on the later.
With Bonjour the dns-sd tool can be used to proxy register a service:
dns-sd -P <Name> <Type> <Domain> <Port> <Host> <IP> [<TXT>...]
If the service you're proxy registering already has a unicast DNS hostname something like this will work:
$ dns-sd -P Google _http._tcp local 80 google.com google.com path=/
Registering Service Google._http._tcp.local host google.com port 80 TXT path=/
4:23:00.928 Got a reply for service Google._http._tcp.local.: Name now registered and active
If it doesn't have a hostname a unique name should be used for the host:
$ dns-sd -P Google _http._tcp local 80 google.local path=/
Registering Service Google._http._tcp.local host google.local port 80 TXT path=/
4:16:48.208 Got a reply for record google.local: Name now registered and active
4:16:48.208 Got a reply for service Google._http._tcp.local.: Name now registered and active