Top "Bokeh" questions

Bokeh is a library for interactive visualization (including streaming or large datasets) that targets modern web browsers for presentation, and high level languages such as Python, Scala, and R for use.

Plot a pandas dataframe using the dataframe index for x coordinate in bokeh

I want to prepare a bokeh plot that uses a ColumnDataSource. The pandas DataFrame that is the source of the …

python pandas plot dataframe bokeh
How to import Bokeh palettes

How to use the D3 Palettes in Bokeh? I tried importing this way but I get an unresolved reference error …

python bokeh
Bokeh how to add legend to figure created by multi_line method?

I'm trying to add legend to a figure, which contains two lines created by multi_line method. Example: p = figure(…

Timeseries streaming in bokeh

I want to plot a live time series in bokeh. I want to plot only the new data points at …

python bokeh
Embed an interactive Bokeh in django views

I want to make interactive plot in django views (or model ?). Let's say I want to use selection_histogram example. …

python django nginx bokeh
`jupyterlab` doesn't recognize `nodejs` and `npm` installations

I'm having troubles installing the jupyterlab_bokeh extension. $ jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_bokeh Errored, use --debug for full output: ValueError: …

node.js ubuntu bokeh jupyter-lab
Bokeh Plotting: Enable tooltips for only some glyphs

I have a figure with some glyphs, but only want tooltips to display for certain glyphs. Is there currently a …

python plot hover tooltip bokeh
python bokeh plot how to format axis display

the y axis ticks seem to be formatting numbers like 500000000 to 5.000e+8. Is there a way to control the display …

python bokeh
Using colormap with bokeh scatter

In matplotlib the scatterplot offers the possibility of using the color of a plot to indicate value or magnitude like …

python matplotlib scatter-plot bokeh colormap
Can I plot a colorbar for a bokeh heatmap?

Does bokeh have a simple way to plot the colorbar for a heatmap? In this example it would be a …

visualization heatmap bokeh colorbar