Changing raspberry pi bluetooth device name?

javawocky picture javawocky · Oct 10, 2014 · Viewed 19.6k times · Source

I am trying to change a raspberry pi's bluetooth name to something else (an ip address) so that when I scan and pair my android device it will see this ip as the device name. It worked once but then went back to appearing as "raspberrypi-0"

I have tried both the hciconfig set name command, and have also changed the device name inside /etc/bluetooth/main.conf but still all my device sees is "raspberrypi-0". Its driving me crazy so if anyone knows what the issue is please help!


Evangelos Nannos picture Evangelos Nannos · Nov 13, 2014

If you want to change the bluetooth device name permanently, you have to create a file called /etc/machine-info which should have the following content:


Then issue "service bluetooth restart" after that