Top "Bluetooth-lowenergy" questions

Bluetooth Low Energy ("BLE") is a radio standard introduced in 2006.

Finding Bluetooth low energy with python

Is it possible for this code to be modified to include Bluetooth Low Energy devices as well?…

python bluetooth-lowenergy bluez
Android listing BLE devices after device scan

Can u provide me the simple code for scanning the nearby BLE devices and list it by device name and …

android bluetooth-lowenergy device network-scan
Is Serial Port Profile (SPP) supported on iOS 7 over Bluetooth Low Energy (v4.0)?

Can I use Serial Port Profile (SPP) to communicate with iOS devices over Bluetooth Low Energy (v4.0) without the need …

profile bluetooth-lowenergy ios7 spp
Get advertisement data for BLE in iOS

I'm creating an app that gets the UUID of all BLE devices within range. I've gotten it working fine in …

ios objective-c bluetooth-lowenergy ibeacon
startLeScan replacement to current api

Goal is to read the values of a bluetooth LE heart rate monitor. Using google's sample, I get private void …

android bluetooth bluetooth-lowenergy
Run iPhone as an iBeacon in the background

Is it possible to run an iOS 7 device as a Bluetooth LE peripheral (iBeacon) and have it advertise in the …

ios bluetooth bluetooth-lowenergy ibeacon
How to perform a bluetooth low-energy scan via BlueZ C library

I'm new in programming Bluetooth low energy using BlueZ. I want to develop a native code c to scan nearby …

linux bluetooth-lowenergy bluez intel-edison
Creating background services for Bluetooth low energy on Android

Background: Ideally I would like my Android device to be scanning for Bluetooth Low Energy devices all the time an …

android bluetooth-lowenergy
Bluetooth LE Signal Strength Linux

Hello is there any way to get the signal strength of near by bluetooth le devises in linux? Or any …

linux bluetooth bluetooth-lowenergy bluez rssi
What range of Bluetooth UUIDs can be used for vendor defined profiles?

I want to build a simple Bluetooth Low Energy-based application using a custom profile. The adopted profiles / services / characteristics / descriptors …

bluetooth uuid bluetooth-lowenergy