Top "Blob" questions

A BLOB is a collection of binary data stored as a single entity in a database management system.

How to change character set of the XMLTYPE variable?

I'm currently having non-utf-8 DB but I need to produce XMLType variable with utf-8 encoding. I'm having a workaround but …

oracle plsql blob xmltype
Example using BLOB in SQLAlchemy

does anybody have example how to use BLOB in SQLAlchemy? Regards, Steve

sqlalchemy blob
How to dump a file stored in a sqlite database as a blob?

I have a sqlite3 database. One column has the TEXT type, and contains blobs which I would like to save …

sqlite blob
Blob extraction in OpenCV

I'm using OpenCV to filter an image for certain colours, so I've got a binary image of the detected regions. …

c++ opencv blob codeblocks
Jest URL.createObjectURL is not a function

I'm developping a reactJs application. I'm using jest to test my application. I want to test a function that download …

javascript reactjs testing blob jestjs
How do I use BCP or Sql Server Management Studio to get BLOB data out of Sql Server?

I'm sorry if this question has been asked already, but I couldn't find it anywhere. I have a table that …

sql-server sql-server-2005 tsql blob bcp
Cursor size limit in Android SQLiteDatabase

I download a db from internet. I save it in my datases folder and I open it. Inside the db …

android cursor size blob limit
SQL Server 2005/2008: Insert a File in an varbinary(max) column in Transact-SQL

Is it possible to insert a file in a varbinary(max) column in Transact-SQL? If yes, I would be very …

sql-server sql-server-2005 insert blob varbinary
Load and save image from blob field in delphi using firebird

In my Firebird database I have a Blob field that contain a Bitmap. I'll have to load and display in …

image delphi bitmap blob firebird
Play MP3 file stored as blob

Put simply, I'd like to play a blob MP3 file in Firefox. I have access to both the blob itself: …

html flash firefox mp3 blob