Top "Bit" questions

A bit is a single binary digit.

How to get Xvfb to work on 32 bit color

Can anybody tell me how to get Xvfb to work on 32bit color? Vnc4server works fine for example, but …

linux colors bit
What are the rules for bitmasks? Like 0xFF vs. 0xFC

Im working on a game that creates Procedurally generated dungeons, I found an example that uses bit masking to retrieve …

java bit-manipulation bit bitmask
Set Least Significant Bit in C

I write a simple steganography tool in C with bmp images. I read the image to memory and the text …

c bit steganography significant-digits
How to implement a bit vector (bitset) (in Java)?

Is there some good text, books, pdf or website that explains how to implement a bit vector, especially in Java? …

algorithm vector bit bitset