Top "Bind" questions

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What is the difference between the bind and live methods in jQuery?

I'm curious to know the differences between the bind and live functions. To me they seem to be almost identical. …

jquery bind live
dig returns SERVFAIL but +trace works

Here is the main problem: dig +trace works perfectly fine and returns the right answer. dig (…

dns bind
template argument deduction/substitution failed, when using std::function and std::bind

I have a compile error when using std::function in a templated member function, the following code is a simple …

c++ function templates bind
JQuery event model and preventing duplicate handlers

Once again I want to load a page which contains its own script into a div using $("divid").load(...). The …

jquery events triggers bind javascript
How to bind, unbind and rebind (click) events in JQuery

After asking the same question 2 weeks ago here, I finally found "the" solution. This is why I am answering my …

jquery bind unbind
Why does click event handler fire immediately upon page load?

I playing around with a function that I want to bind to all the links. At the present the function …

jquery bind
Bind a directory to a docker container

I'm building a test project that requires a module outside of the project directory. The project folder is in docker, …

docker containers bind directory
.live() vs .bind()

I want to know the main difference between .live() vs. .bind() methods in jQuery.

jquery bind live
Why use std::bind over lambdas in C++14?

Before C++11 I used boost::bind or boost::lambda a lot. The bind part made it into the standard library (…

c++ lambda bind c++14
How to bind mysqli bind_param arguments dynamically in PHP?

I have been learning to use prepared and bound statements for my sql queries, and I have come out with …

php arrays mysqli bind prepared-statement