Top "Beta" questions

Software development phase where the application is considered "feature complete" but still may have numerous bugs and usability issues.

Does Apple's TestFlight application auto update apps that external beta testers have installed?

I can see from my iTunes connect control panel how many users are on each version of the app I …

ios app-store-connect testflight beta
Add a border with cornerRadius to an Image in SwiftUI Xcode beta 5

how can I add a border with a cornerRadius to an Image. I get a deprecation warning saying that i …

swift iphone swiftui beta xcode11
Xcode 8.1 beta 3 - AQDefaultDevice messages

As of beta2, I'm getting this message every two seconds after I create an audio output unit: 2016-10-14 11:31:21.572479 MyProduct[94063:8294923] […

audio xcode8 beta
How do I SSH to a Docker in Mac container

I am running Docker for Mac (Version 1.12.0-rc2-beta16 (Build: 9493)). I have pulled an image from my local repository, and …

macos ssh docker beta
Distributing for App Store using beta versions of Xcode

When I try to distribute an app I get this error: Xcode attempted to locate or generate matching signing assets …

xcode beta
What's the early history of the .Net framework?

What is the early development history of the .Net framework? (Before the release of .Net 1.0 in 2002) I've heard various stories …

.net history beta
Key Commands must all have a Title, Key and Selector

I am receiving and error when trying to build, Xcode 8.0 Beta 4, and when I'm building it says "error: Illegal Configuration: …

ios swift beta
Is it possible to distribute an unfinished iOS app for closed-beta tests using Apple Store?

We'd like to do some closed-beta tests of our app using App Store. We know about the ad-hoc way, but …

ios app-store beta
Promoted by app to production but still says (Beta)

I was running an app in the Google Play in Beta and then just recently "released to production" using a …

android google-play beta
iOS 10: Apple transport security "exception domains" no longer working

I'm using iOS 10 beta 8, Xcode 8 beta 6. Regarding Apple Transport Security (ATS) I'm finding that using "exception domains" isn't working in …

security ios10 beta