Bazel is a build tool that builds code quickly and reliably.
Is there any way to run Tensorflow unit tests manually? I want to perform sanity checks while modifying TF source …
unit-testing tensorflow testing bazelI try to build tensorflow-serving using bazel but I've encountered some errors during the building ERROR:/private/var/tmp/_bazel_…
tensorflow bazel tensorflow-servingIn Bazel, given a build target, how would a script (which is running outside of Bazel) get the path to …
bazelI want to use clang++ instead g++ to compile my c++ files while g++ is the system's default compiler. I …
bazelIn a C++ Bazel project, I want to use tools like Clang Tools or RTags, etc. For that I need …
c++ bazelWhat is the best way to build C++ code that uses the OpenCV library using Bazel? I.e., what would …
opencv bazelI'm trying to figure out the workflow for training and deploying a Tensorflow model on Android. I'm aware of the …
android tensorflow bazelI am trying to add external header file (like OpenCL header file) for some experimentation for tensorflow. I tried to …
tensorflow bazelI'm using bazel on a computer with 4 GB RAM (to compile the tensorflow project). Bazel does however not take into …