I have a simple copy from to script for one of our guys who's missing a file 20km from my desk
when testing the script out I am prompted if my file shapes.atc
is a file or a folder
I can tell you that its a file but how can I autocopy it over my guy needs to be able to just click the batch finished
xcopy /s/y J:\"My Name"\"FILES IN TRANSIT"\JOHN20101126\"Missing file"\Shapes.atc C:\"Documents and Settings"\"His name"\"Application Data"\Autodesk\"AutoCAD 2010"\"R18.0"\enu\Support\Shapes.atc
A seemingly undocumented trick is to put a *
at the end of the destination - then xcopy
will copy as a file, like so
xcopy c:\source\file.txt c:\destination\newfile.txt*
The echo f | xcopy ...
trick does not work on localized versions of Windows, where the prompt is different.