I'm using InteliJ IDEA (Community addition) and I found myself doing some file transfers to and from the project folder. After reapeating the task for a while I've created some batch scripts that transfering the files automaticly. Now, I'll be much more happy if I could run the scripts directly from the IDE - by pressing a button for example...
Question is: Can I add buttons to IntelliJ IDE - that will run a batch file? If it's possible I'll be happy to know how it can be done.
You can use "External Tools" to invoke any program
Goto Settings->External Tools
and create a tool which will open the following dialog choose the batch file for Program
Then the tool will be available in the menu Tools
Ref:External Tools
If you want to link an 'External Tool' to a 'Button' in the toolbar check How to add buttons linked to your external tool in InteliJ IDEA