Have a weird issue, firstly am using batch files to install applications..the installations are working fine without any issue.
I have at the end of the batch if the error level is NEQ 0 output the error code to a file, but the output is always 9009.
From searching the web for 9009 it says that the executable cannot be found, but surely it can as the application installs fine.
Here is a sample of one of my batch scripts to install:
IF exist %windir%\LogFolder\BoxSync4.0x86.txt ( goto eof ) ELSE ( goto BoxSyncInstall )
msiexec /i "\\servername\InstallFolder\BoxSync\SyncMSI32.msi" /qn
if %ErrorLevel% EQU 0 (
>>"\\servername\gpolog\BoxSync4.0x86.csv" echo "%computername%","%date%","%Time%","%ErrorLevel%","Box Sync 4.0 x86 Installed"
>>"%windir%\gpologs\BoxSync4.0x86.txt" echo "Box Sync 4.0 x86 Installed"
else if %ErrorLevel% NEQ 0(
>>"\\servername\gpolog\BoxSyncErrorsx86.csv" echo "%computername%","%date%","%Time%","%ErrorLevel%","Error trying to install/upgrade to BoxSync4.0x86"
Does anyone have any ideas why I might be getting this error constantly?
Try using setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
at the start of your batch file, and !ERRORLEVEL!
inside your IF
See also: