While trying to process a list of file-/foldernames correctly (see my other questions) through the use of a NULL-character as a delimiter I stumbled over a strange behaviour of Bash that I don't understand:
When assigning a string containing one or more NULL-character to a variable, the NULL-characters are lost / ignored / not stored.
For example,
echo -ne "n\0m\0k" | od -c # -> 0000000 n \0 m \0 k
VAR1=`echo -ne "n\0m\0k"`
echo -ne "$VAR1" | od -c # -> 0000000 n m k
This means that I would need to write that string to a file (for example, in /tmp) and read it back from there if piping directly is not desired or feasible.
When executing these scripts in Z shell (zsh) the strings containing \0 are preserved in both cases, but sadly I can't assume that zsh is present in the systems running my script while Bash should be.
How can strings containing \0 chars be stored or handled efficiently without losing any (meta-) characters?
In Bash, you can't store the NULL-character in a variable.
You may, however, store a plain hex dump of the data (and later reverse this operation again) by using the xxd
VAR1=`echo -ne "n\0m\0k" | xxd -p | tr -d '\n'`
echo -ne "$VAR1" | xxd -r -p | od -c # -> 0000000 n \0 m \0 k