I have created one script to copy the local files to the remote folder, the script is working fine outside of if condition but when I enclosed inside the if condition the put command is not working and logged into the remote server using sftp protocol and when exist it's showing the error: put command not found
see what is happening after executing the script
Connected to
sftp> bye
sftp.sh: line 23: put: command not found
Please find the below script.
echo -e;
echo -e "This script is used to copy the files";
sleep 2;
if [ -d $localpath ]
echo -e "Source Path found"
echo -e "Reading source path"
echo -e "Uploading the files"
sleep 2;
sftp [email protected]
put $localpath/* $remotepath
In a simple case such as this, you could use scp
instad of sftp
and specify the files to copy on the command line:
scp $localpath/* [email protected]:/$remotepath/
But if you would rather want to issue sftp commands, then sftp can read commands from its stdin, so you can do:
echo "put $localpath/* $remotepath" | sftp [email protected]
Or you can use a here document to pass data as stdin to sftp, which might be easier if you want to run several sftp commands:
sftp [email protected] << EOF
put $localpath/fileA $remotepath/
put $localpath/fileB $remotepath/
Finally, you could place the sftp commands in a separate file, say sftp_commands.txt
, and have sftp execute those commands using its -b
sftp -b ./sftp_commands.txt [email protected]