I tried to integrate MSYS2 shell into Visual studio Code integrated terminal. Here's my user settings:
"terminal.integrated.shell.windows": "C:\\msys64\\usr\\bin\\bash.exe",
"terminal.integrated.shellArgs.windows": ["--login", "-i"]
However, I ran into a problem where --login
changes the current working directory to Windows home. I want the current directory to be at the root of my workspace.
My further attempt was I tried add a flag -c 'cd ${workspaceRoot}'
. However, the bash would crashed on start. I could properly get to current directory by removing --login
, but without login mode, all other shell command (ls
, cd
, etc) are not available.
How do I properly integrate MSYS2 shell into my vscode?
To inhibit the working directory change from your current directory, set the CHERE_INVOKING
environment variable to a non-empty value:
"terminal.integrated.env.windows": {
In MSYS login scripts, setting the CHERE_INVOKING
variable serves only to prevent a shell from doing a cd "${HOME}"
, and nothing else.
If you require a MinGW toolchain, set the MSYSTEM
environment variable to select a toolchain. Recognized values are MSYS (default), MINGW32 or MINGW64.
"terminal.integrated.env.windows": {
In full, the VS Code settings might look like so:
"terminal.integrated.shell.windows": "C:\\msys64\\usr\\bin\\bash.exe",
"terminal.integrated.shellArgs.windows": [
"terminal.integrated.env.windows": {
To provide some context on the very cryptic nomenclature of CHERE_INVOKING
: chere
is apparently a Cygwin command for installing and managing a "Command Prompt Here" folder context menu item. Although MSYS2 inherits the environment variable from Cygwin, it doesn't actually inherit the command itself.