Is it possible to do the following:
I want to run the following:
mongodb bin/mongod
In my bash_profile I have
alias = "./path/to/mongodb/$1"
An alias will expand to the string it represents. Anything after the alias will appear after its expansion without needing to be or able to be passed as explicit arguments (e.g. $1
$ alias foo='/path/to/bar'
$ foo some args
will get expanded to
$ /path/to/bar some args
If you want to use explicit arguments, you'll need to use a function
$ foo () { /path/to/bar "$@" fixed args; }
$ foo abc 123
will be executed as if you had done
$ /path/to/bar abc 123 fixed args
To undefine an alias:
unalias foo
To undefine a function:
unset -f foo
To see the type and definition (for each defined alias, keyword, function, builtin or executable file):
type -a foo
Or type only (for the highest precedence occurrence):
type -t foo