Having a Linux Bash on Windows 10 is pretty cool, but as far as I've got to struggle with the not-so-good terminal provided from Microsoft I'm gonna get stuck with Ubuntu for everything.
Anyway, is there a way to turn off that beep whenever you do something on the Bash?
Since it is not possible to comment out bell-style audible
because is not there, nor is it possible to launch sc config beep start= disabled
To disable the beep in bash you need to uncomment (or add if not already there) the line set bell-style none
in your /etc/inputrc
Note: Since it is a protected file you need to be a privileged user to edit it (i.e. launch your text editor with something like sudo <editor> /etc/inputrc
To disable the beep also in vim you need to add set visualbell
in your ~/.vimrc
To disable the beep also in less (i.e. also in man pages and when using "git diff") you need to add export LESS="$LESS -R -Q"
in your ~/.profile