PS1 line-wrapping with colours problem

Aupajo picture Aupajo · Dec 4, 2008 · Viewed 10.8k times · Source

Here's my PS1 variable:

PS1='\u:\W$(__git_ps1 "\e[32m\][%s]\e[0m\]")$ '

Works great for picking up my Git branch, but it has the unfortunate side-effect of wrapping the lines when the colours are active, so that they overlap when you use long commands.

Can anyone with magic PS1 skills help me out to fix this?


Aupajo picture Aupajo · Dec 4, 2008

Got it, needed to escape the colours properly.


PS1='\u:\W$(__git_ps1 "\[\e[32m\][%s]\[\e[0m\]")$ '