Good day. I was reading another post regarding resolving hostnames to IPs and only using the first IP in the list.
I want to do the opposite and used the following script:
for IP in 'cat $IPLIST'; do
domain=$(dig -x $IP +short | head -1)
echo -e "$domain" >> results.csv
done < domainlist.txt
I would like to give the script a list of 1000+ IP addresses collected from a firewall log, and resolve the list of destination IP's to domains. I only want one entry in the response file since I will be adding this to the CSV I exported from the firewall as another "column" in Excel. I could even use multiple responses as semi-colon separated on one line (or /,|,\,* etc). The list2.txt is a standard ascii file. I have tried EOF in Mac, Linux, Windows.
What I am getting now:
The domainlist.txt is getting an exact duplicate of list2.txt while the results has nothing. No error come up on the screen when I run the script either.
I am running Mac OS X with Macports.
Your script has a number of syntax and stylistic errors. The minimal fix is to change the quotes around the cat
for IP in `cat $IPLIST`; do
Single quotes produce a literal string; backticks (or the much preferred syntax $(cat $IPLIST)
) performs a command substitution, i.e. runs the command and inserts its output. But you should fix your quoting, and preferably read the file line by line instead. We can also get rid of the useless echo
while read IP; do
dig -x "$IP" +short | head -1
done < "$IPLIST" >results.csv