I'm starting a bash script which will take a path in S3 (as specified to the ls command) and dump the contents of all of the file objects to stdout
. Essentially I'd like to replicate cat /path/to/files/*
except for S3, e.g. s3cat '/bucket/path/to/files/*'
. My first inclination looking at the options is to use the cp
command to a temporary file and then cat
Has anyone tried this or similar or is there already a command I'm not finding which does it?
dump the contents of all of the file objects to stdout.
You can accomplish this if you pass -
for destination of aws s3 cp
For example, $ aws s3 cp s3://mybucket/stream.txt -
What you're trying to do is something like this? ::
for key in `aws s3api list-objects --bucket $BUCKET --prefix bucket/path/to/files/ | jq -r '.Contents[].Key'`
echo $key
aws s3 cp s3://$BUCKET/$key - | md5sum