In a bash script, I am trying to download multiple files in parallel, with custom filenames using a single command (no loops).
I tried using aria2c:
aria2c -j2 URL1 URL2 # BAD: outputs to a single file
aria2c -j2 -Z URL1 -o 1 URL2 -o 2 # BAD: filenames taken from link (-o is ignored)
The second one ignores the output filename because, quoting the aria2c manpage:
In Metalink or BitTorrent download you cannot specify file name. The file name specified here is only used when the URIs fed to aria2 are done by command line without --input-file, --force-sequential option. For example:
$ aria2c -o "" ""
This is what I want to avoid:
aria2c URL1 -o 1 &
aria2c URL2 -o 2 &
aria2c URL3 -o 3 # BAD: slow and ugly, because aria2c is called thrice
Any suggestions?
Aria2c supports getting URIs from a file.
Try writing your file names into the file and then running "aria2c -i uri-list.txt" or write them to stdout and pipe them to "aria2c -i -"