Is there such a thing in bash
or at least something similar (work-around) like forward declarations, well known in C / C++, for instance?
Or there is so such thing because for example it is always executed in one pass (line after line)?
If there are no forward declarations, what should I do to make my script easier to read. It is rather long and these function definitions at the beginning, mixed with global variables, make my script look ugly and hard to read / understand)? I am asking to learn some well-known / best practices for such cases.
For example:
# something like forward declaration
function func
# execution of the function
# definition of func
function func
echo 123
Great question. I use a pattern like this for most of my scripts:
main() {
foo() {
bar() {
baz() {
main "$@"
You can read the code from top to bottom, but it doesn't actually start executing until the last line. By passing "$@"
to main() you can access the command-line arguments $1
, $2
, et al just as you normally would.